4:42 PM
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using one of Jennifer Janesko purchased from CILM, but you can find her work at CDO now.
Scrap kit Angelic by Toxic Desirez
My Frame found here
Mask of choice
Xero - Porcelain (optional)
Lets begin!
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background, we will crop later.
Open the frame I created and paste as a new layer.
Select the Magic Wand and click inside the frame. Go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 3.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame layer. Position to your liking. Once happy fo to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Open Rainbow and paste as a new layer, position at the top of the frame. Erase anything out past the frame. Make sure this layer is above the frame layer.
Open Splat 1 or 2 depending on the one you like, paste as a new layer above the white background. Duplicate or resize if needed. Apply a drop shadow. (you can always use both like I did).
Open Ribbon 1 and paste as a new layer right above the splat. Position the ribbon on the right hand side. Place so some of the ribbon is sticking out from below the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip.
Open Ribbon 3, rotate right. Paste as a new layer on top of the pink ribbon. Position near the bottom on the frame. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Bloom 2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer below the frame. Position on the left side of the frame making sure some of the flowers are out past the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror, position this one a little lower on the left hand side. Erase any stems you don’t want showing.
Open Bloom 1 and resize by 60 percent. Repeat the same steps as above only place these on the right side of the frame.
Open Sparkles and paste as a new layer, make sure this layer too is below the frame. Erase anything out past the frame.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position inside the frame. Erase anything out past the frame on the bottom. Once your happy with the way it looks go to your plugins and find Xero - Porcelain and apply on default settings. Apply a drop shadow. Change the Blend mode to Luminance (legacy).
Select the Pink blooms you added to your tag. Duplicate and rotate left. Move to the bottom of the tag on the left hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Rose 1 and resize by 50 percent. Rotate left. Paste as a new layer, position on top of the blooms on the left hand side. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Rose 3 resize by 50 percent. Rotate right. Paste as a new layer, position on top of the blooms on the right hand side. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Select one of the Blue blooms, using your Selections tool select the flower cluster. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate to the left. Position next to the pink rose. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror, this one should be next to the blue rose.
Open the Rainbow again. Paste as a new layer. Position this one on top of your tube. Erase anything out past the frame. Make sure this layer is above the frame layer.
Open Star Border, paste as a new layer. Position on the right side of the tag near the frame. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. Erase any stars on top of the tube.
Open Bow 1 and resize by 50 percent. Position at the bottom of the tag between the two roses. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Bow 3 and resize by 40 percent. Position on top of the bow we just placed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Diamond and resize 30 percent. Position in the middle of the two bows. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 4 and resize by 25 percent. Mirror and paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the tag near the flower blooms. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 2 and resize by 25 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position on top of the blue rose where the butterfly is just overlapping a little bit. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 1 and resize by 30 percent. Paste as a new layer, position on the left hand side about in the middle of the frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Open A Ray of Light and paste as a new layer. Make sure this layer is above the tube. Position at the top of the frame. See my tag for reference if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
Your done, that wasn’t so bad was it? I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.
Tube of choice, I am using one of Jennifer Janesko purchased from CILM, but you can find her work at CDO now.
Scrap kit Angelic by Toxic Desirez
My Frame found here
Mask of choice
Xero - Porcelain (optional)
Lets begin!
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background, we will crop later.
Open the frame I created and paste as a new layer.
Select the Magic Wand and click inside the frame. Go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 3.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame layer. Position to your liking. Once happy fo to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Open Rainbow and paste as a new layer, position at the top of the frame. Erase anything out past the frame. Make sure this layer is above the frame layer.
Open Splat 1 or 2 depending on the one you like, paste as a new layer above the white background. Duplicate or resize if needed. Apply a drop shadow. (you can always use both like I did).
Open Ribbon 1 and paste as a new layer right above the splat. Position the ribbon on the right hand side. Place so some of the ribbon is sticking out from below the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip.
Open Ribbon 3, rotate right. Paste as a new layer on top of the pink ribbon. Position near the bottom on the frame. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Bloom 2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer below the frame. Position on the left side of the frame making sure some of the flowers are out past the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror, position this one a little lower on the left hand side. Erase any stems you don’t want showing.
Open Bloom 1 and resize by 60 percent. Repeat the same steps as above only place these on the right side of the frame.
Open Sparkles and paste as a new layer, make sure this layer too is below the frame. Erase anything out past the frame.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position inside the frame. Erase anything out past the frame on the bottom. Once your happy with the way it looks go to your plugins and find Xero - Porcelain and apply on default settings. Apply a drop shadow. Change the Blend mode to Luminance (legacy).
Select the Pink blooms you added to your tag. Duplicate and rotate left. Move to the bottom of the tag on the left hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Rose 1 and resize by 50 percent. Rotate left. Paste as a new layer, position on top of the blooms on the left hand side. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Rose 3 resize by 50 percent. Rotate right. Paste as a new layer, position on top of the blooms on the right hand side. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Select one of the Blue blooms, using your Selections tool select the flower cluster. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate to the left. Position next to the pink rose. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror, this one should be next to the blue rose.
Open the Rainbow again. Paste as a new layer. Position this one on top of your tube. Erase anything out past the frame. Make sure this layer is above the frame layer.
Open Star Border, paste as a new layer. Position on the right side of the tag near the frame. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. Erase any stars on top of the tube.
Open Bow 1 and resize by 50 percent. Position at the bottom of the tag between the two roses. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Bow 3 and resize by 40 percent. Position on top of the bow we just placed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Diamond and resize 30 percent. Position in the middle of the two bows. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 4 and resize by 25 percent. Mirror and paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the tag near the flower blooms. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 2 and resize by 25 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position on top of the blue rose where the butterfly is just overlapping a little bit. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly 1 and resize by 30 percent. Paste as a new layer, position on the left hand side about in the middle of the frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Open A Ray of Light and paste as a new layer. Make sure this layer is above the tube. Position at the top of the frame. See my tag for reference if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
Your done, that wasn’t so bad was it? I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.