3:53 PM
Supplies Needed:
Scrap kit Gothic Valentine by Scraps Dimensions
Tube of choice, I am using one done by Unholy Vault purchased from MPT, you can find them here
My supplies found here (includes frame, background and stitches)
Plugin - MuRa’s Meister (copies)
Mask of choice
Got everything to get started? Great, let’s begin!
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. Don’t worry to much now about the size we are going to crop later.
Copy and paste the frame from my supplies as a new layer.
Copy and paste the frame background from my supplies as a new layer. Make sure this layer is below the frame layer.
Copy and paste the image from my supplies as a new layer. This should be above the background layer. Lower opacity to around 75.
Copy and paste the stitches from my supplies as a new layer.
You should have in this order starting at the bottom, white background, frame background, the house image and of course the frame on top. Plus the stitches on top of the frame, got all that? Cool, moving on.
Select the frame layer again, duplicate just the frame. Move this layer down one, right below the frame we just duplicated. Go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius set at 3.00. Apply a drop shadow if desired.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply the mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group.
Open Rose 4 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Go to the plugin and find MuRa’s Meister - Copies. Still on the rose layer use these following settings:
Number - 18
Shift Y & X - 60 (both)
Leave the rest on default settings
Position at the top of the frame, move this layer below the frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the tube as a new layer inside the frame. Erase any of the tube outside the frame you don’t like. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Heart 1 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer in the middle of the frame at the bottom. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Rose 2 and resize by 6 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the left hand side of the heart we just added. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Rose 1 and resize by 8 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place behind the black rose off to the left. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Candle 2 and resize by 12 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer behind the red rose and off to the left. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Candle 1 and resize by 10 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer in front of the black candle on the left hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Cross and resize by 25 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer behind the candles. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Rose 4 and resize by 25 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place just off to the left of the cross. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Rose 3 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer and place in front of the black rose. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Padlock and resize by 6 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer and place in front of the heart between the two black roses. You may need to sharpen Apply a drop shadow.
Open Key and resize by 6 percent, mirror, go to Image - Free Rotate and rotate 8-10 degrees right. Copy and paste as a new layer in front of the padlock. You may need to sharpen. Apply a drop shadow.
Go to your layer and select the red rose, duplicate and move to the top of the frame. Place among the black roses on the right hand side. Make sure this layer is behind the frame background. Duplicate and mirror.
Add any copyrights and your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
WOW! That went fast did it not? I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts. I would love to see what you have created.
Scrap kit Gothic Valentine by Scraps Dimensions
Tube of choice, I am using one done by Unholy Vault purchased from MPT, you can find them here
My supplies found here (includes frame, background and stitches)
Plugin - MuRa’s Meister (copies)
Mask of choice
Got everything to get started? Great, let’s begin!
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. Don’t worry to much now about the size we are going to crop later.
Copy and paste the frame from my supplies as a new layer.
Copy and paste the frame background from my supplies as a new layer. Make sure this layer is below the frame layer.
Copy and paste the image from my supplies as a new layer. This should be above the background layer. Lower opacity to around 75.
Copy and paste the stitches from my supplies as a new layer.
You should have in this order starting at the bottom, white background, frame background, the house image and of course the frame on top. Plus the stitches on top of the frame, got all that? Cool, moving on.
Select the frame layer again, duplicate just the frame. Move this layer down one, right below the frame we just duplicated. Go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius set at 3.00. Apply a drop shadow if desired.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply the mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group.
Open Rose 4 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Go to the plugin and find MuRa’s Meister - Copies. Still on the rose layer use these following settings:
Number - 18
Shift Y & X - 60 (both)
Leave the rest on default settings
Position at the top of the frame, move this layer below the frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the tube as a new layer inside the frame. Erase any of the tube outside the frame you don’t like. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Heart 1 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer in the middle of the frame at the bottom. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Rose 2 and resize by 6 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the left hand side of the heart we just added. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Rose 1 and resize by 8 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place behind the black rose off to the left. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Candle 2 and resize by 12 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer behind the red rose and off to the left. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Candle 1 and resize by 10 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer in front of the black candle on the left hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror.
Open Cross and resize by 25 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer behind the candles. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Rose 4 and resize by 25 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place just off to the left of the cross. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Rose 3 and resize by 20 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer and place in front of the black rose. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and merge the two. Duplicate again, mirror.
Open Padlock and resize by 6 percent. Copy and paste as a new layer and place in front of the heart between the two black roses. You may need to sharpen Apply a drop shadow.
Open Key and resize by 6 percent, mirror, go to Image - Free Rotate and rotate 8-10 degrees right. Copy and paste as a new layer in front of the padlock. You may need to sharpen. Apply a drop shadow.
Go to your layer and select the red rose, duplicate and move to the top of the frame. Place among the black roses on the right hand side. Make sure this layer is behind the frame background. Duplicate and mirror.
Add any copyrights and your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
WOW! That went fast did it not? I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts. I would love to see what you have created.