3:14 PM
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using one by Anna Marine purchased from CILM which is now closed but you can still find her at CDO.
Scrap kit In My Dreams by Bea Creations
Mask of choice
Staple here (optional) you can always use something you already have
Ready to begin?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. We will crop later.
Select your Eclipes tool and draw out a circle with no background. The width should be somewhere around 15. Once your happy with it align center of canvas and then convert to raster layer.
Go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open a paper of choice, this is going to be the frame, paste as a new layer. Position to your liking and then go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Click inside the frame with the Magic Wand. Go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 3.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer. Position to your liking, go to Selections - Invert. Hit delete on your key board. Delete the template circle layer.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Erase anything out past the frame that you dont like. Apply a drop shadow to tube and frame.
Open Rain, paste as a new layer below the frame layer. Position to your liking.
Select the frame background, go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Select the Rain layer again, go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board. Apply a drop shadow to this layer.
Open Bow2, paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the frame. Move this layer below the frame background layer. Place to your liking. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip, now you should have one at the top of the frame and one at the bottom of the frame.
Open Flower9, resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom of the frame on the right side. Apply a drop shadow.
Open glitter2, paste as a new layer. Position around the frame, move this layer below the frame background, apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. Do this until you have glitter all around the tag. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Flower16 and Flower 11, resize flower 11 by 50 percent and flower16 by 45 percent. Position both flowers at the top of the frame on the left side. Apply a drop shadow to both.
Open Heart1 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a layer, position right below the flowers. Mpve this layer below the flowers layers. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly1 and Butterfly3, resize both by 30 percent. Paste as new layers, position the black butterfly on the pink flower at the top left. Mirror the other butterfly and position at the bottom of the frame on the right side. Apply drop shadows to both layer. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Beads1 and resize by 70 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom of the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Move this layer below the flower at the bottom of the frame if its on top.
Open Beads2 and resize by 60 percent. Position right below the first beads. Kind of move this one off to the right a little. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Bow6 and resize by 60 percent. Position overlapping the ribbon. Move this layer below the frame background. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate as many times as you like.
Open the staple and place a few around your tag, you can always rorate to make it straight across. Apply drop shadows to your staples.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply your mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG
You are done, I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.
Tube of choice, I am using one by Anna Marine purchased from CILM which is now closed but you can still find her at CDO.
Scrap kit In My Dreams by Bea Creations
Mask of choice
Staple here (optional) you can always use something you already have
Ready to begin?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. We will crop later.
Select your Eclipes tool and draw out a circle with no background. The width should be somewhere around 15. Once your happy with it align center of canvas and then convert to raster layer.
Go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open a paper of choice, this is going to be the frame, paste as a new layer. Position to your liking and then go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Click inside the frame with the Magic Wand. Go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 3.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer. Position to your liking, go to Selections - Invert. Hit delete on your key board. Delete the template circle layer.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Erase anything out past the frame that you dont like. Apply a drop shadow to tube and frame.
Open Rain, paste as a new layer below the frame layer. Position to your liking.
Select the frame background, go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Select the Rain layer again, go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board. Apply a drop shadow to this layer.
Open Bow2, paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the frame. Move this layer below the frame background layer. Place to your liking. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip, now you should have one at the top of the frame and one at the bottom of the frame.
Open Flower9, resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom of the frame on the right side. Apply a drop shadow.
Open glitter2, paste as a new layer. Position around the frame, move this layer below the frame background, apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and mirror. Do this until you have glitter all around the tag. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Flower16 and Flower 11, resize flower 11 by 50 percent and flower16 by 45 percent. Position both flowers at the top of the frame on the left side. Apply a drop shadow to both.
Open Heart1 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a layer, position right below the flowers. Mpve this layer below the flowers layers. Apply a drop shadow.
Open Butterfly1 and Butterfly3, resize both by 30 percent. Paste as new layers, position the black butterfly on the pink flower at the top left. Mirror the other butterfly and position at the bottom of the frame on the right side. Apply drop shadows to both layer. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Beads1 and resize by 70 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom of the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Move this layer below the flower at the bottom of the frame if its on top.
Open Beads2 and resize by 60 percent. Position right below the first beads. Kind of move this one off to the right a little. Apply a drop shadow. See my tag for reference if needed.
Open Bow6 and resize by 60 percent. Position overlapping the ribbon. Move this layer below the frame background. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate as many times as you like.
Open the staple and place a few around your tag, you can always rorate to make it straight across. Apply drop shadows to your staples.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply your mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG
You are done, I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.