Author: Precious Beauties
• 5:12 PM


Supplies Needed:
Tube: I am using one of Ismael Rac which has since closed
Scrap kit: Santa’s Coming by Tracy F Designz (I uploaded the kit to my Box account, the site is no longer available) found here
Template: kktempz39 by Kandi Kissez Designz (I uploaded the kit to my Box account, the site is no longer available) found here
My Supplies: Little snowflakes found here
Eye Candy 4000 – Gradient Glow (optional) 

Open the template, duplicate and close the original. Delete the copyright, and bar set. Resize all layers by 90%.

Select pink rectangle layer, go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.

Copy and paste a paper of choice above the selected layer. Position to your liking. Go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on the keyboard. Delete the template layer. Apply a drop shadow.

Repeat the above steps for the remaining template layers.

I then applied a Gradient glow using Eye Candy 4000 to the snowflakes, this of course is optional. 

Copy and paste the tube as a new layer, position inside the frame on the left hand side. Resize if needed. Place to your liking. Apply a drop shadow. Erase any of the tube outside of the frame. 

Repeat the last steps for the frame on the right, my tube is bigger in this frame. 

Open the snowflakes I provided, copy and paste a new layer. Place around the template to your liking, I placed some on top of the tubes and below on the bottom layers of the template. See my tag if you would like a reference. 

Duplicate the snowflakes that were on the template, move to the right. Don’t forget to flip a few. You can duplicate as many as you like.

Open Bow3, resize by 30% and mirror. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place at the top where the two frames meet. Apply a drop shadow.

Open Holly, resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place in the bottom left corner of the frame on the left. Apply a drop shadow. 

Open Candycane1, resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the right hand side overlapping the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate and place under the holly.

You may want to move the snowflakes around a little or add a few more over the elements you added.

Add any copyrights and your name. Crop, resize if desired. Save as a PNG (close background first).

Thank you for trying one of my tuts, I hope you have enjoyed yourself and I look forward to having you back here again!! I would love to see what you have created.
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