3:48 PM
Supplies Needed:
Tube of Choice, I am using one of Elias Chatzoudis purchased from MPT but you can find him at PTE now.
Scrap kit Happy Day by JAELOP DESINGS
Mask of choice
Ready to start?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background, we will crop later.
Open 2 frames 12-15 depending on your tube. Resize both frames by 25 percent. Go to Image - Rotate Right. do this to both frames.
Select one of the frames, go to Image - Free Rotate 15 degrees left. Flip.
Select the frame you did not rotate 15 degrees, paste this one as a new layer. Click inside with the Magic Wand, go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 10.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame. You will need to resize. Go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the rotated frame on top of the one you just placed. Position to your liking. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the tube as a new layer. Position to your liking and erase anything out past the frame(s) you dont want showing. Apply a drop shadow.
Open both ribbons 21 and 21a, resize the colorful one by 25 percent and the other by 20 percent. Rotate both ribbons to the right. Copy and paste the colorful ribbon, position on top of the frames on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Position to your liking.
Copy and paste the remaining ribbon, place on top of the one you just added to your tag on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Position to your liking.
Open 23 and 24, resize one by 15 percent and the other one by 12 percent. Copy and paste both as a new layer. Apply a drop shadow to both. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Do this as many times as needed to place around your tag. It doesnt really matter where you place them. You can even place some below the ribbon and on top the choice is up to you and what you like.
Open 26 and resize by 20 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position on the left side of your tag on top of the frames and little flowers. Apply a drop shadow.
Open two bows of choice, resize one by 20 percent and the other one by 15 percent. Paste the one resized by 20 percent as a new layer. Position on top of the flower stems. Apply a drop shadow. Copy and paste the smaller bow, postion on top of the bow just placed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open 12 and resize by 20 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom right of the frames. Apply a drop shadow.
Open 3 buttons, resize two of them by 20 percent and the last one by 15 percent. Copy and paste the one you resized by 15 percent and paste as a new layer. Position on top of the two bows. Apply a drop shadow. Copy and paste the other two and place them at the corners of the frames. I placed one on top of the stems of the flowers on the right hand side of the tag. Apply a drop shadow to both.
Open a paper of choice, resize 700 x 700 and paste as a new layer above the white background layer. Apply your mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group. Resize if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
Your finished, I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.
Tube of Choice, I am using one of Elias Chatzoudis purchased from MPT but you can find him at PTE now.
Scrap kit Happy Day by JAELOP DESINGS
Mask of choice
Ready to start?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background, we will crop later.
Open 2 frames 12-15 depending on your tube. Resize both frames by 25 percent. Go to Image - Rotate Right. do this to both frames.
Select one of the frames, go to Image - Free Rotate 15 degrees left. Flip.
Select the frame you did not rotate 15 degrees, paste this one as a new layer. Click inside with the Magic Wand, go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 10.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame. You will need to resize. Go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the rotated frame on top of the one you just placed. Position to your liking. Apply a drop shadow.
Copy and paste the tube as a new layer. Position to your liking and erase anything out past the frame(s) you dont want showing. Apply a drop shadow.
Open both ribbons 21 and 21a, resize the colorful one by 25 percent and the other by 20 percent. Rotate both ribbons to the right. Copy and paste the colorful ribbon, position on top of the frames on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Position to your liking.
Copy and paste the remaining ribbon, place on top of the one you just added to your tag on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Position to your liking.
Open 23 and 24, resize one by 15 percent and the other one by 12 percent. Copy and paste both as a new layer. Apply a drop shadow to both. Duplicate, mirror and flip. Do this as many times as needed to place around your tag. It doesnt really matter where you place them. You can even place some below the ribbon and on top the choice is up to you and what you like.
Open 26 and resize by 20 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position on the left side of your tag on top of the frames and little flowers. Apply a drop shadow.
Open two bows of choice, resize one by 20 percent and the other one by 15 percent. Paste the one resized by 20 percent as a new layer. Position on top of the flower stems. Apply a drop shadow. Copy and paste the smaller bow, postion on top of the bow just placed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open 12 and resize by 20 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the bottom right of the frames. Apply a drop shadow.
Open 3 buttons, resize two of them by 20 percent and the last one by 15 percent. Copy and paste the one you resized by 15 percent and paste as a new layer. Position on top of the two bows. Apply a drop shadow. Copy and paste the other two and place them at the corners of the frames. I placed one on top of the stems of the flowers on the right hand side of the tag. Apply a drop shadow to both.
Open a paper of choice, resize 700 x 700 and paste as a new layer above the white background layer. Apply your mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group. Resize if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
Your finished, I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts, I would love to see what you have created.