4:02 PM
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Scrap kit Happy Time by Bea Creations
Tube of choice, if possible a close-up, I am using one of Elias Chatzoudis found at PTE.
Mask of choice
Read to begin?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. We will resize later.
Open frame8 and paste as a new layer. Apply a drop shadow.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame. Select the Selection tool on the left side and draw out a sqaure on top of the frame. Make sure not to go on top of any of the holes. Once you have the square done go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position to your liking. I allowed parts of my tube to stick out over the frame. This is up to you and what you like. Once happy with it apply a drop shadow.
Now this is up to you, I resize all layers by 90 percent. I then changed the canvas size back to 700 x 700.
Open frame2 and paste as a new layer below the paper frame and background. If you didnt resize the layers from here on out you may need to resize and/or adjust the rest of the elements. Apply a drop shadow.
Open beads2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position to your liking then move this layer between the two frames. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate as many times as needed until you have them around the frames.
Open decor2 and paste as a new layer. Position on top of the frame background. Erase anything that is out past the frame. Apply a drop shadow. I changed the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy) this is up to you see what you like better. Duplicate and position a little higher then the other one, I didnt change the blend mode on this one. Erase anything that is sticking out above the frame on top.
Open beadstring1 and resize by 70 percent. Go to Image - Free Rotate 90 degrees left. Place on top of the white paper frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Open beadstring2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer on top of the two frames on the right hand side near the top. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower2 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer at the top left corner of the frames. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower4 and resize by 45 percent. Paste as a new layer overlapping the flower you just added. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower1 and resize by 35 percent. Paste this one between the other two. Apply a drop shadow.
Open butterfly1 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer and position on top of the flowers, apply a dro shadow.
Open ribbon2 and paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the frames.Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and position overlapping the one already there. Duplicate again and position this one at the bottom of the frames.
Open ribbon3 and paste as a new layer, position at the bottom of the frames behind ribbon2. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror, if needed either move a little or erase anyhing on top of the tube you dont like.
Open notebook, rotate 10 degress left. Paste as a new layer at the bottom of the frames on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow.
Open pencil1, resize by 50 percent. Rotate 10 degrees left, then go to Rotate left. Apply a drop shadow and paste on top of the notebook.
Open ribbon1 and resize by 70 percent, mirror. Position on top of the ribbons, notebook and pencil. Apply a drop shadow.
Open clip3 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the beadstring on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow.
Duplicate the green flower and position under the clip. Erase anything at the top of the clip you dont want.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply the mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group. Resize if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
You're all finished! I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts. I would love to see what you have created.
Scrap kit Happy Time by Bea Creations
Tube of choice, if possible a close-up, I am using one of Elias Chatzoudis found at PTE.
Mask of choice
Read to begin?
Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background. We will resize later.
Open frame8 and paste as a new layer. Apply a drop shadow.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer below the frame. Select the Selection tool on the left side and draw out a sqaure on top of the frame. Make sure not to go on top of any of the holes. Once you have the square done go to Selections - Invert and hit delete on your key board.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position to your liking. I allowed parts of my tube to stick out over the frame. This is up to you and what you like. Once happy with it apply a drop shadow.
Now this is up to you, I resize all layers by 90 percent. I then changed the canvas size back to 700 x 700.
Open frame2 and paste as a new layer below the paper frame and background. If you didnt resize the layers from here on out you may need to resize and/or adjust the rest of the elements. Apply a drop shadow.
Open beads2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position to your liking then move this layer between the two frames. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate as many times as needed until you have them around the frames.
Open decor2 and paste as a new layer. Position on top of the frame background. Erase anything that is out past the frame. Apply a drop shadow. I changed the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy) this is up to you see what you like better. Duplicate and position a little higher then the other one, I didnt change the blend mode on this one. Erase anything that is sticking out above the frame on top.
Open beadstring1 and resize by 70 percent. Go to Image - Free Rotate 90 degrees left. Place on top of the white paper frame. Apply a drop shadow.
Open beadstring2 and resize by 60 percent. Paste as a new layer on top of the two frames on the right hand side near the top. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower2 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer at the top left corner of the frames. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower4 and resize by 45 percent. Paste as a new layer overlapping the flower you just added. Apply a drop shadow.
Open flower1 and resize by 35 percent. Paste this one between the other two. Apply a drop shadow.
Open butterfly1 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer and position on top of the flowers, apply a dro shadow.
Open ribbon2 and paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the frames.Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and position overlapping the one already there. Duplicate again and position this one at the bottom of the frames.
Open ribbon3 and paste as a new layer, position at the bottom of the frames behind ribbon2. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror, if needed either move a little or erase anyhing on top of the tube you dont like.
Open notebook, rotate 10 degress left. Paste as a new layer at the bottom of the frames on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow.
Open pencil1, resize by 50 percent. Rotate 10 degrees left, then go to Rotate left. Apply a drop shadow and paste on top of the notebook.
Open ribbon1 and resize by 70 percent, mirror. Position on top of the ribbons, notebook and pencil. Apply a drop shadow.
Open clip3 and resize by 50 percent. Paste as a new layer. Position at the top of the beadstring on the right hand side. Apply a drop shadow.
Duplicate the green flower and position under the clip. Erase anything at the top of the clip you dont want.
Open a paper of choice and paste as a new layer above the white background. Apply the mask to this layer. Delete the mask layer and merge group. Resize if needed.
Add any copyrights.
Add your name.
Crop, resize if desired.
Save as a PNG.
You're all finished! I hope you have enjoyed using one of my tuts. I would love to see what you have created.