Author: Precious Beauties
• 7:00 PM

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I used one done by Ismael Rac
Scrap kit: Birthday Wishes created by Ziggy Fan found here

Open a new image 600 x 250 with a white background.

Copy and paste a paper of choice above the white background layer.

Open Element 24, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 80%, flip. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place at the top of the image. Apply a drop shadow.

Open Element 25, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 80%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place at the bottom of the image. Apply a drop shadow.

Open Element 12, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the right-hand side between the two borders. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror, and place on the left.

Open Element 14, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 30%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place at the bottom of the image on the left-hand side. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, rotate right 15 degrees. Place on the right-hand side behind the bottom border.

Open the tube of choice, duplicate, and close the original. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place in the center of the template. Resize if needed. Apply a drop shadow.

Open Element 20, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 40%, rotate right 15 degrees. Using the Freehand Selection tool, select the word Happy, copy and paste as a new layer. Place on the left-hand side beside the tube. Apply a drop shadow. If you haven’t move this behind the tube layer. Repeat this again for the word Birthday, place a little offset from the word Happy.

I used a color from the tag to draw a small rectangle on the right-hand side above the candles. I added a little border. Apply a drop shadow.

Open Element 19, duplicate and close the original. Resize by 30%, rotate right. Apply a drop shadow. Place on the left hand-side of the box you just drew. Add your name inside the box. Apply a drop shadow.

To add the frame, select the background layer, go to Selections - Modify - Select Selection Border and use 2. Add a new layer above the others, flood fill with a gradient or color of choice. If adding the white border around the frame repeat the above steps only use 4 as the setting and move this layer below the colored layer, apply a drop shadow and merge the two frame layers together.

Add any copyrights.

*NOTE to make the avatar repeat the above steps using a 150 x 225 new image.

Thank you for trying one of my tutorials, I hope you have enjoyed yourself and hope to see ya back here for more! I would love to see what you have created.
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