Author: Precious Beauties
• 7:36 PM
Supplies Needed:
Tube of your Choice, I used a tube by Pinup Toons from CILM, you can now find him here
Scrapkit: Spring by Jaelop Designs found here
My Supplies: butterflies found here

Open a new image 700x700, add a new layer and flood fill with white. Make this the bottom layer.

Open the feather frame (40), duplicate and close the original. Resize frame by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer above the white background layer. Using the freehand select, draw around the feather frame. Add a new layer, flood fill with a color of your choice that will be the background (sky). Make sure this layer is below the feathers. Go to Selections – Select None.

Open Word Art (41), duplicate and close the original. Resize by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer above the feather frame. Adjust so it lays on top of the feathers, apply a drop shadow of your liking.

Open Grass (28), duplicate and close the original. Resize by 20%, copy and paste as a new layer. Move to the left side inside the feather frame (move below feather frame if you have not yet. Duplicate as many as needed to place grass along the bottom of the frame. If you end up with any grass outside of the frame just take the eraser and erase it. Apply a drop shadow to each layer.

Open Cloud (43), duplicate and close the original. Resize the cloud by 10%, copy and paste as a new layer. Place the cloud on the left-hand side near the middle. Duplicate and place on the right-hand side. You may want to duplicate a few more times and place around the background until you have a nice sky you like.

Open Tree (42), duplicate and close the original. Resize by 12%, copy and paste as a new layer. Place in the middle of the frame, move slightly to the left. Apply a drop shadow.

Open the following flowers (60), (22), and (34). Duplicate each one and close the original. Duplicate (60) twice, resize one by 12% and the other by 10%. Duplicate (22) twice, resize one by 12% and the other one by 10%. Resize (34) by 10%. Arrange the flowers at the bottom of the frame. Apply a drop shadow to all layers.

Open Flower (33), duplicate and close the original. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place in the glass on the left-hand side, duplicate and place on the ride hand side. Duplicate one more time for a total of 3 flowers. Mirror a few to change the look. Apply a drop shadow to each flower.

Open 061_butterflies_butterflieblue~v, duplicate and close the original. Using the Freehand Selection, select the butterfly of your choice, used the one on the left. Resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Place in the sky to your liking. Add a drop shadow, duplicate, and mirror. Place to your liking on the right.

This tut is only to give you an idea, you can add whatever you like. You can change whatever you like, have fun!!

Add any copyrights and your name. Crop, resize if desired. Save as a .PNG (close the white background off first.

Thank you for trying one of my tuts, I hope you had fun! Please come back and visit again.
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